Monday Sep 21, 2015
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
13 September 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians Pt 5.
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
Tuesday Sep 15, 2015
13 September 2015 - Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians Pt 5
- The caring church.
Ephesians 2:1 - We are saved from 6 things.
1. - Spiritual death.
2. - Sin.
3. - Saved from the patterns of worldly living, but living in a Godly way.
4. - Satan/ Evil, (Kaos).
5. - Saved from our old nature, ( sin).
6. - Saved from the wrath of God.
Ephesians 2:2 - The daemonic realm is real.
- Satan has authority over all evil things.
- He is the defeated enemy, that hasn't been judged yet.
- Evil can't be defeated by doing nothing.
- By doing nothing, you are going backwards.
- We have to be vigilant in Christs name.
- Read Gods word, (The bible).
- Speak to God, (Pray).
- Live Gods way, (knowledge).
God gives us plans of attack and defence.
- If we don't have Christ in us, we can be drawn back to sin.
Eph 2:4 - Gods mercy and justice, meet at/in Christ. So if people wrong you. You are covered in Gods justice.
- The devil overstepped his authority with the crucifiction of Christ. Because Christ was sinless.
- Don't underestimate God, Justice is in Gods nature.
- The definition of sin, is stepping outside of what God wants for us.
- When we sin, there will be consequences.
- God doesn't protect us from sin, but Gods nature of justice, keeps us accountable.
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
6 September 2015 Ps Jack Harris - Identity/ fathers day.
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
Sunday Sep 06, 2015
6 September 2015 Ps Jack Harris - Identity/ fathers day.
Deuteronomy 5:9-10
- Mothers give children a sense of security.
- Fathers give children a sense of identity.
- Turn away from idols.
- Men and women think differently, and god sees us differently.
- Fathers have the ability to change generations, for good and for bad.
- God wants us to praise and worship him, so he can bless us forr thousands of generations.
- fatherhood is a choice. And is a noun, as well as a verb, ( be and do).
Monday Aug 31, 2015
30 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians Pt 4
Monday Aug 31, 2015
Monday Aug 31, 2015
30 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians Pt 4
Eph 1:15-22 - Prayer for friends and family to have open eyes and hearts. To come to God, (Devine knowledge).
:19 - Great and mighty power of God.
- We should be praying regularly, because there is a constant spiritual battle going on. Save our friends and family who don't yet know god.
- The Spiritual realm is real, even though we can't see it.
:20 - His body, (church) is named into Eternity.
:23 - God gives his all for his body/ church.
- Church - ( a Christian body of saints). We are called to be part of his body.
- If we disconnect ourselves from his body/church, and stay home rather than connecting with a church, we can become ineffective, and lost.
- Even though most people don't think they're bad, we are only made clean through Christ. Sin is still rife in the world. Most of the people doing evil in the world are doing it because they believe they are righteous, and everyone else is evil!
- Goodness and niceness aren't enough to save us.
Eph2:1 - We are saved from sin.
- The source to spiritual life is God. until we accept Christ, we remain spiritually dead/unsaved.
Jn 3:16- The basis of the Gospel.
Eph2:1 - We were dead in sin, until he made us alive.
*Trespass = Things we don't do right.
* Sin = Choices we make that separate us from God.
- We become saved from sin, once we live in God. And sin drops away from our lives, because we learn how to make better decisions.
- If we remain disconnected from Christ, we are more likely to continue in our sin.
Monday Aug 24, 2015
23 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians Pt 3
Monday Aug 24, 2015
Monday Aug 24, 2015
23 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians pt 3
- Our identity in Christ is fundamental for our life.
- In Christ we are made higher than the Angels, and all other beings.
Ephesians 1:9 - The mysteries of his will.
- Predestination can be a mystery to us.
- We are predestined to rule/ reign with Christ in Heaven.
1:11 - God is in control, and is in our future. God knows all! our sin is no surprise to him, and God can turn that/any situation into good.
1:12 - Our response to God, should be to praise God for his Glory. That's why we're eternally changed. And that is what the enemy sees on us, (Gods seal), (our guarantee), as part of Gods family.
- When we pray, we need to do so with the authority of Gods guarantee.
1:15 - When you do things for God, and you are faithful, you are appreciated by God.
1:17 - When praying, we should be giving thanks to God.
- If our revelation of Christ dissipates, things can become much harder in our lives, until we renew ourselves in Christ.
- With wisdom and knowledge of Christ, we are protected from the enemy.
- We should pray that people become enlightened to Gods glory.
- We need to know we can have hope in our Eternity.
- When we volunteer at our church, we don't do it for now, but for our eternity. (Serving the body of Christ).
Monday Aug 17, 2015
16 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians pt 2
Monday Aug 17, 2015
Monday Aug 17, 2015
16 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians pt 2
Eph 1:3-6.
Ephasus was a lot like us, multicultural, and many religions.
- Sinner or Saint? - we are a saint dealing with our sin.
- Beware, because the enemy wants us to live in condemnation.
3 - As a believer, we are blessed, with every spiritual blessing.
- We live in a spiritual realm, because God is a spiritual being. In the spiritual realm, sin is conquered.
- If we have accepted Christ, we have conquered sin. Although, we can still sin because of free will. God knows us completely, including our sin.
1:5 - We have been adopted as sons of Jesus.
- We can choose to more like Christ. An adoptive family. Only after we become perfect, by accepting Christ. Amen.
- We are part of Gods predestined plan, since before creation.
- Christs crucifiction was the biggest display of Gods' Grace the world has ever seen.
- We are part of Gods' family.
- All of heaven, and the spiritual realm, are aghast at the act of Gods' grace. so we need to acknowledge it, and praise God for what he has done for us.
1:7 - Redemption through his blood, (released from slavery), our sin.
9. - Prior to salvation, we were sinners, and had no other option, but to sin.
- Once redeemed, we are changed, and forgiven through Christ. Which means, God will never see our sins again, because Christ has cleansed us. And our sins are thrown away, so God only sees us as purely clean. But the devil wants to hold onto our sins, and to keep us buried in our sins. So that we lose our identity in Christ.
- It can be hard to forgive ourselves, if we think God can't forgive us.
- When God lavishes us with unwarranted favour, we are incredibly blessed.
- God wants to see us grow.
Wednesday Aug 12, 2015
9 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians pt 1
Wednesday Aug 12, 2015
Wednesday Aug 12, 2015
Ps Andrew Harper - Ephesians pt 1
Eph 1:1 -Paul writes to Ephesus.
- Gods word never returns void.
- Paul writes 13-14 books of the bible.
- The greatest thing that can happen in our lives, is to have an encounter with Christ.
- Paul wrote a lot of his books in jail.
- Ephesus was not a Godly place, because people came to the city to create chaos. They were corrupted.
* - The letter Paul wrote to the Ephesians, is also written to/ for us!
- We are the living saints.
- Servant of God.
- Blessed.
- For someone to become a saint in Catholosism, (beautification), miracles.
- 2nd miracle.
- Have to be in Heaven, consecrated to God.
- We are either a sinner or a saint.
- We were sinners, saved by Grace. But are no longer sinners, because we are born again, and Christ has cleansed us.
- God establishes who we are. If we are in Christ, we are a saint.
- If we continue to call ourselves sinners, we are aligning ourselves with Satan, That's where Satan wants our head at.
- Church should not be focusing on our sins, but should be showing/ uplifting our Saviour.
- We should be living our lives as Saints. We can't live our lives with a foot in each world. Of sin or saintly. (new creation).
- We are no longer what we were in the past, because of Christ.
* - Progressive Sanctification, Is Christ constantly changing us, from our sinful nature.
- Our identity as a saint affects how we interact with other saints.
- If there are thoughts in our hearts, that are condemning, It is coming from Satan.
- Gods thoughts are uplifting, and making us better people. Word of conviction.
- Conviction - Is a blessing from God.
- Condemnation - Is a burden - From Satan.
- Satan wants to destroy us with our sin.
- Christ wants to save us with his Grace and peace.
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
2 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper Preparing for the new seasons to come.
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
2 August 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Preparing the church for new seasons to come.
Eph 4 - God is the head.
- Head, Heart, Hands. - our Christian culture.
* - Head - excellence, commitment to improvement.
Matt 25:14-30.
Matt 25:21
- Church is not somewhere, where the people "Have" to love/ accept you. However we are called to not be judgemental, and to love/ and accept others.
* - Ideas - The culture, - open to suggestions.
* - Heart - Spiritual Attractiveness. - Jesus is our passion, and the word is our Pattern.
- Do people see more of Jesus in us now, than they did a year ago? Are we growing.
* - Heart Respect. - Ask and respond to people the same way you wish they would respond to you.
- Say no to gossip, Prov10:11
- Use your words to build life.
( Gossip) - If you didn't see it with your own eyes, and didn't hear it with your own ears, then don't speak it with your big mouth.
- The devil attacks us from within.
* -Hands - Leaving things better than how you found them.
- Leave no-one behind.
Eph 2:19 - Embrace newcomers. If you see someone by themselves, Don't leave them by themselves.
* - Who are you bringing, to church, with you to encounter God.
- Grow God's house!
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
25 July Ps Steve Penny - Faith can't fail.
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
Tuesday Aug 04, 2015
26 July 2015 Ps Steve Penny - Strong spirit People.
- Faith can't fail, however we can fail in our faith.
- We need to renew our convictions regularly.
- Before the world was created, God put aside everything we will need for our life.
* Azmarveth spirit people - People with the "can do" attitude, who don't give up
- We need to be the "Stump church", which is the church on the top of the hill, that is easily seen, but subject to the harshest of weather. So even when the tree is cut down and damaged from the weather. The stump will continue to stand, because the roots stand firm, planted firmly in solid ground. - Then in the new season, new branches can sprout, due to the firm roots.
- Little is much - strong spirit people.
- Isaiah 60:22
- A lot of people falsely think," they are just", but they are much in God.
- Little is much, when God is in it.
e.g -A little army - Gideon's 300.
- A little weapon - David's sling.
Ezra 2:24. - The restoration of the church, so the church can restore the the nation.
- Even the smallest of people can have significant effects.
1 - Isolation is not insignificance.
2 - Reversal can be restored, - if you hold on, God promises he will reward us double for our troubles.
3 - Small does not mean weak. - The devil wants us to believe we're insignificant. ( "It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog").
4 - Little is much, when God is in it. - Great leaders come from strong foundations/ roots.
5 - There is a day of manifestation coming.
Luke 1:80. - Once John had established his roots in the desert. he became strong enough to move forward, out of the desert.
6. - Stay strong.
Luke 2:40. - Staying strong in spirit leads our way into the future.
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
19 July 2015 Ps Chris Thompson - Discerning Gods voice.
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
Saturday Jul 18, 2015
19 July 2015 Ps Chris Thompson - Discerning Gods voice.
- The capacity for us to discern Gods voice.
Jn 10 - How to hear Gods voice.
- God doesn't only dwell in the supernatural, because if you focus solely on that you can introduce evil into your life. But you can also miss out on the Holy Spirit.
- Two ways to hear Gods voice.
*1. - The Bible -Gods Word.
Gen 1:3 - God speaks creation into being.
- God is connected to his creation, through his word.
-Satan didn't attack Christ at the crucifixion. But rather, attacked Gods word. Because of the importance of Gods' word.
1 Cor - The gifts of redemption, based in the eternity of Gods' plan.
- The Bible is the only way we can acknowledge Gods' interaction.
- We can only interact with God, because the Bible tells us how to work with him.
*2. - His audible voice.
- We are Holy because God is present in us. Just as when Moses approached the burning bush. God told him to remove his shoes, because he was on Holy ground. Because God was present.
*3. - Angels.( messengers of the Lord).
- We should still test what Angels tell us against the word of God, because fallen Angels can still speak to us.
- Honor the prophets, but still test the prophesies against Gods' word. This is our due diligence.
- Prophecy can be the exception. But Gods' word is the rule!
- The prophetic vision, is only a portion of what is to come. Because if we are shown everything, we may be tempted to try to do it on our own. But we are not equipped to be able to do it on our own, and will likely fail.
- God works in wise counsel
Jn 10:3-5 - The sheep recognise the masters voice, and follow him. As we should also know the true masters voice when he speaks to us.
- We need to understand Gods word, so we can stand in unity as Gods' people.
- Jesus is the finger of God, and has come to us, and is within us every day.