Monday Jul 13, 2015
12 July 2015 Chontelle McMahon - Water Baptism & the Holy Spirit.
Monday Jul 13, 2015
Monday Jul 13, 2015
12 July 2015 - Chontelle Mcmahon - Water Baptism & the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 3:13-17 -
John Baptising with water, before Jesus came to baptise with the Holy Spirit.
- Water washing away sin.
- Water is capable of cutting through the strongest of things.
- God has left his mark on many things he's touched.
- Once baptised, you can see the mark of the Holy Spirit in them. Transformed, then moving on with your life. With a new understanding of Christ.
- Jesus was tempted, straight after being Baptised.
- The power of the Holy Spirit.
- When praying, we can fail to acknowledge the Holy Spirit.
Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
5 July 2015 - Ps Gareth Hayes - Fight for the Faith.
Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
Tuesday Jul 07, 2015
Ps Gareth Hayes - "Fight for the Faith".
Jude - Sanctified by Christ. Separating the believers and the non- believers. Parallels with "2 Peter".
- Written with a sense of urgency to the leaders.
- So important that God uses its content.
- Fight for the faith, against people preaching false doctrine.
- The world wants to make sacred the profane!. "Fight for the faith".
- Wee God's ambassadors on Earth. "Fight for the faith".
- There is sin in the world, and God will deal with it. Because there has to be justice.
- God is Justice.
v:11 Repent from sin.
- Righteous means you have a right relationship with Christ.
Prov18:21 - Your power in words. You can kill people's dreams with your words.
- When Cain was asked, Where is your Abel. He answered, asking, " Am I my brother's keeper?".
- The answer for us all should be "Yes", we are our brother's keepers.
Monday Jun 29, 2015
28 June 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Faith.
Monday Jun 29, 2015
Monday Jun 29, 2015
28 June 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Faith.
We need our intact for all the worldly situations.
God will bring us through.
When good things happen, know that God was involved.
Hebrews 11:1 - Things hoped for.
Gods work may be unseen. But know that God is involved in everything.
Live your life in faith, that brings God into all things.
Why not have an expectancy for God?
You can't engage with God without faith.
The more you use faith, the easier it becomes.
Faith experiences are undeniably God.
What may seem impossible, becomes possible with faith.
- God is in the invisible, and the intangible.
God can bridge the gap between the possible, and the impossible.
- Activating your faith sometimes takes an action.
Faith without works is dead.
Our decisions activate our faith in Christ. You can't give up.
2 common reasons to activate your faith.
1. -Because we have to.
2. - Because we want to.
2 kings 7:3 - When your backed up against the wall with obstacles, you have to move to go forward through the situation.
Don't wait for faith to kick in, make it happen!
If you don't something to believe in, you have no need for faith.
God wants us to need him.
If you expect in faith, miracles will continue to happen.
If miracles are happening, it's because Gods working through your faith.
God can do amazing things.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
21 June 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Healing/ Health.
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
Wednesday Jun 24, 2015
21 June 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Healing/Health.
Ex 15:6 - Carefully listen to God for healing through Faith.
- Don't let situations in your life supersede your faith.
- You don't get sick by sinning, but you can be healed through Gods grace.
Jn 10:10 - Sickness comes from the enemy, and he can rob you of your healing.
- Maintain a Holy Spirit in Christ.
James 1:6 - He, in doubt, gets discouraged.
- Be strong, and maintain your courage.
- Maintain your trust in God.
- Have absolute trust in God, that God is absolute.
- If your praying for healing, and looking forward only to the result. It probably won't work, because your focus should be wholly on God. Praise God for all he does, and when he does it. How and when is up to Gods timing. Don't be discouraged if healing doesn't happen straight away.
- By his stripes we are healed.
- Remember, God also works through doctors.
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
14 June Ps Andrew Harper - our life in darkness.
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
Sunday Jun 14, 2015
14 June 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Our life in darkness.
Someone in distress can walk in to a church, mid- week, desperate for help, will receive it.
Jn1:1 - The word is God, God is the word, the word is in God. (the trinity).
- The glory of Jesus dwelling among us.
:4 -Life of man. In him was life.
- How to travel through darkness.
- Light shines in darkness. Light overcomes darkness, and darkness can't comprehend it.
- We have to make sure we're prepared for whatever is coming.
- Light of acceptance. -
Grace strikes us when we are in great pain and distress. Telling us that we're accepted by God, and we can't lose it.
- You can't overcome without the knowledge of acceptance of God.
- No matter what you're doing, or have done, you're accepted by God through the blood of Christ.
- God is the light in the darkness. Stay in God, (prayer), and reading his word will keep us moving with Christ.
Jn 17:3 - That they may know you.
- We are like babies in mothers arms. Dependant, and reliant on God.
- Acceptance can be hard sometimes, because we can be too hard on ourselves.
- Gods people accept you for who you are.
Word Of Hope. -
- "Do Not Be Afraid!"
- Our trials are only temporary. God is eternal. There's always hope in God.
- Gods word is for now.
- Gods word is for our life now.
- We can be freed from the fear of death, because of our Heavenly promise.
- Three ways to suicide.
1. - Kill yourself.
2. - Let yourself Die.
3. - Turn away from Christ, lose hope.
- If we become self reliant to overcome situations. this can lead us to hopelessness.
Jn 1:2 - You were loved before you could love.
- The hope of Christ is in you.
- trust yourself to Christ.
- Hope and trust in Christ thrives in hopelessness.
- We should live in hope and trust in Christ.
- Self reliance is a dead end.
Saturday Jun 06, 2015
7 June 2015 Ps Jack Harris -"but God"
Saturday Jun 06, 2015
Saturday Jun 06, 2015
7 June 2015 Ps Jack Harris -"but god"
Acts 7:8-10
Our lives are filled with challenges. Live two words into them, - "but God". So when we reach the fork in the road, and have to decide which path to take. Decide by asking " but God".
Regardless the challenges we face. Put God into it, "but God". These are life changing words. God takes you from the bottom to the top.
Relying on yourself is hopeless, but relying on God brings victory. Even if we don't see it, God is constantly working in our lives.
Genesis 31:4-13 -
Sometimes God pairs us with someone worse off than us, for us to learn about ourselves.
God is watching.
Sometimes God has to work a process before we get the results. So this can take time.
Gen 28:18 -
Jacob trusts in Gods process. Trust and faith.
Tithes show our faithfulness in God. Although God doesn't need it, to do his work. Tithing shows our trust and faith in God, an expression of our heart for Christ.
Jacob promises to tithe the first 10th of everything he has.
Pray God can turn things around for you.
Philipians 2:25-27 -
When you're told, "there's nothing more can be done". Remember, "But God". There's still a way.
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
31 May 2015 Ps Janine Harris - feast of the tabernacle.
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
Wednesday Jun 03, 2015
31 May 2015 Ps Janine Harris- Feast of the tabernacle.
John 7:1-53 - Feast of the tabernacle.
Jesus is speaking with the authority from God.
- Living waters.
- The spirit in Jesus, and in us cannot blend. But stands out.
- The spirit of God responds to our needs. Amen.
- Feast of the tabernacle celebrated.
- The need for water, and what God did for them in the past.
Psalm 118- was recited as the people were drawing water.
Psalm 113 - All spoken as Jesus was secretly in the city.
- Then Jesus spoke about, "drink from me", Whenever you need!
Monday May 25, 2015
24 May 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Maturing in christ, ext.
Monday May 25, 2015
Monday May 25, 2015
24 May 2015 Ps Andrew Harper- Maturing in Christ ext
Measuring our growth in Christ.
- No matter how long you've been a Christian, has there been ongoing growth?
- God wants to see us as a grown Christian.
Eph v3:13
Christ dwells in our heart through faith.
Christ in me, or me in Christ.
- The greatest power we have, is the knowledge of Christ in me/us.
- God's not focusing on famous people, but rather, His people.
2 Cor 5
- We have a clean slate, our sins erased.
Paul says 165 times "Christ is in you". That's why we are different.
Once the Spirit of Christ is in us, It affects all aspect of our lives, and how people see us.
Gal 2:20
I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.
So when people look at us, they see the spirit of Christ in us.
We should live for christ in all things we do.
Romans6:11- Through Baptism, we become one with Christ.
Our actions reflect his spirit.
Gal 2:20 - crucified with Christ, and now live the way Christ wants me to live.
Submit our bodies, for Christ to shine.
Grace nullifies earning, but doesn't nullify effort.
You have to put in the effort to know Christ more.
The bible will keep you from sin. Alternately, sin will keep you from the bible.
The spirit of Christ is activated by Gods word, bible.
St August quote - "Christ is the way, and gives us the impulse to walk and grow in Christ."
- Have you changed to become more like Christ? -others will see.
Is there more Christ in you today, than there was a year ago?
Saturday May 16, 2015
17 May 2015 -youth pastors Arnold and Bubby
Saturday May 16, 2015
Saturday May 16, 2015
17 March 2015 - youth pastors Arnold and Bubby, messages.
1 - Arnold- Don't choke on your faith.
- Don't let the Earthly things in your life destroy your faith in Christ.
- Jesus talks about our faith can either be, Nurture or destroy, our relationship with him.
Luke 8:5 - Parable of planting seeds.
1 - Hard pathway.
2 - Stony pathway.
3 - Thorny pathway.
4 - The good soil, bearing good fruit, where our faith should be.
- If our seed isn't planted in the good soil, we should replant it to bear good fruit, and grow in our faith.
Bubby Jennings.
Ephesians 5:14 - Awake you sleeper, and Christ will give you light.
- We should look at ourselves, and see if we're just playing at being Christians, (turning up to church on Sunday's out of habit), or are you growing in Christ, (through commitment).
- Desperate to show Jesus' glory, any-time.
Ps 104:1-35 -God setting the days, and the seasons.
- We've received Christ. Now we need to live it.
Monday May 11, 2015
10 May 2015 Mothers Day message
Monday May 11, 2015
Monday May 11, 2015
10 May 2015 - Mothers Day
Happy mother's day to all magnificent mothers.
- Deb Semway
- To be like God, we have to. -
1 - Look like God, so others see God in us.
2 - Sound like God. -
3 - Behave like God.
God has many son's, (us).
- Jesus came to show us how to be son's.
-Jesus is the how.
- The Holy spirit is the what.
Isiah 5:7 - God's manifestations.
- When we become like God, - we become living apostles.
- We can't remove ourselves from our identity.
Ps Andrew Harper -
- God looks down on us 24/7, as a loving parent.