Monday May 04, 2015
3 May 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Maturing as a Christian.
Monday May 04, 2015
Monday May 04, 2015
3 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Maturing as a Christian.
- Out of maturing comes everything.
Q - How do you measure your growth?
- Is it Success?, Knowledge?, Business?, Sport?, Fame?, Money?.
- The growth we should be excited about, is our growth in Christ.
Philippians 11:3 -Paul ended up in his pursuit of God.
Eph 3:17 - Our life should be built on,
-Christ rooted in our faith, dwelling in our heart. -"In Christ,( Christ in me).
- All things created in me, for him.
- For us to grow in Christ, we need to see Christ expanded in us.
2 Cor 5:17
- If you're a believer, you have the spirit of Christ in you.
- Success on the outside is irrelevant. If your living in Christ, you can't help but to grow in Christ. To live more like Christ did. To have Christs desires, and he is central in our lives.
- When faced with issues. Pause, and call on Jesus.
- If you're the same this year as last year, you haven't grown in Christ.
- Our Christian life isn't about what we've done. But rather, what we've overcome. It can take time, but progress is movement.
- We should be easy to see through, (transparent), for others to see Christ in us.
- All our actions can be Christs'. Measure yourself against Christ.
- Don't judge people on what they have, but rather, who they are.
Monday Apr 27, 2015
26 April 2015 Ps Chris Thompson - Foundation in Christ.
Monday Apr 27, 2015
Monday Apr 27, 2015
26 April 2015 Ps Chris Thompson - Foundation in Christ.
Matt 16:6
Christ is the foundation that we need to build our world view on.
Established in the Garden of Eden.
4 pillars make up our world view.
1 - Origin, or identity, Adam knew where his identity was, in God.
Q. - Where do we see the image of God?
A. - In us.
The greater we come to know ourselves, the more we come to know God.
2 - Purpose.
Q. What am I here for?
A. - To till the Earth.
Genesis 2 - No seeds were planted, because man hadn't been created to till the soil.
Adam was introduced to the garden to tend it.
3. - Morality. - Your definition between right and wrong, - Defined by Christ.
Life is intrinsically valuable.
Quote - Before you rip up a fence in your life, question why it was there in the first place.
4. - Destiny - What happens when you die?
Gods not just interested in your eternity, but also in your today.
Everything is introduced, for the foundation of Christ.
- The devil can't take away what you understand!
- It takes a lifetime to grow into your purpose.
- satans attacks will happen within the pillars, if you faulter.
Matt 16:6 - Jesus talking to the apostles/ us.
Leven =yeast. It represents sin.
It only takes a little leven to affect the bread, or our lives.
Leven of Herod.
Herod was a proud, and powerful man.
Be careful not to become proud.
A lot of people ask, - What does God want me to do?.
But sometimes we should ask, - What does God Not want me to do?
Science is not removing the evidence of Christ.
Monday Apr 20, 2015
19 April 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Gods love.
Monday Apr 20, 2015
Monday Apr 20, 2015
19 April 2015 Ps Andrew Harper -Gods love.
- Life, - we hope for life, and we fight for life.
Q. - Is this hope a self deception, or real.
A. - Our hope should be based in faith.
1 Cor52:9 -Pre for those who love God.
Our hope shouldn't be based on our own abilities, but should be anchored to God,( stable/Solid).
Our Soul needs the love of God.
Eph3:17 - Rooted/ Grounded in love, and fullness of God's love.
The more were anchored in God's love, the more we come to know ourselves.
- You can have confidence when your anchored to something solid.
John 1:14 - Jesus is flesh and blood in person.
- Jesus' sacrifice, had to be, so we could see how much God loves us, beyond words.
Luke 15 -God loves those who need him the most.
Parents can be asked, - Who is your favourite child?
-Usually the answer will be, The most love goes towards the child that needs it the most, at the time, but changes with circumstances.
- God says everything that is mine, is yours.
- His heart is focused on you, and those that need him the most.
- The most in love with God, are the most reliant on god. They introduce God into every area of their life.
- God's love demands a response, depend on it.
John 3:16
- Those that love the dark, will not come to the light.
- Darkness, an light can't dwell together.
- If light is introduced to darkness, light will always take over.
- Christ is like infra-red, turns darkness into light.
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
12 April 2015 Ps Janine Harris - Healing.
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
Tuesday Apr 14, 2015
12 April 2015 Ps Janine Harris - Healing
Mark 5:21 -
Jesus' healings normally happened when Jesus was on his way somewhere.
You don't have to do a lot to get Jesus' attention. You just have to call on his name.
- The woman's faith in touching Jesus' clothes heals her.
- Because of her illness, in those days, she had been an outcast.
- Her attitude was, (Determination wrapped in desperation).
v:24 -The Multitudes thronged,( a tight group moving in the one direction).
v:30 -Jesus immediately healed/ changed.
- Change came when she met Jesus.
- When we collide with Jesus, he changes everything to be right.
- We are all the apple of his eye.
v:30 - Jesus knew immediately someone had taken power away, in her faith.
- According to the law, of the time, she wasn't allowed to be close to Jesus.
- When we give ourselves to Jesus, our minds have to catch up with our testimony.
- The old covenant church separates by law.
- The new covenant church is inclusive.
Monday Mar 30, 2015
29 march 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Bringers.
Monday Mar 30, 2015
Monday Mar 30, 2015
29 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Bringers.
- How people come to know Christ.
2-3% - walk ins
5-6% - Drawn by special ministry.
2-3% -Church programs.
1-2% - Door knocks.
75% - Brought by someone.
- The bible backs this up.
Matt 24:3 - Jesus' teaching.
Matt 8:16 - Demon possessed.
Matt 9:2 - paralytic healed.
Jn1:40 - Andrew speaks of Christ, and brings brother to connect with Christ,
- We need to connect to people around us, and bring them to church.
Lk10:1 - Sent out disciples to the world.
Sometimes we need to commit to actually bring people to church, rather than just inviting them.
There's a difference in intensity when you bring someone.
The enemy loves to work in the lesser commitment of an invitation, helping them to find excuses for not to come. However if we bring the person, we remove the space for the devil to do his work.
It's much greater to bring someone into massive change, and the prescence of God.
Lk 14:15 - Parable of the great supper.
-Excuses happen between the invitation and the event.
- We need to compel people to come to God.
- Bringing, shifts the initiative from them to us.
- Bringing takes the awkwardness out of coming.
- Tells the person they are important to you.
- Bringing covers all the things that the devil is involved in.
Lk 14:15 - The great supper, Those at the supper, were there because of the "bringers".
- Who are we going to bring?
Monday Mar 23, 2015
Monday Mar 23, 2015
Monday Mar 23, 2015
22 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Honour cont.
A noble person has honour.
Honour doesn't depend on works, but is a condition of our hearts.
Exodus 20:13 - Honour Parents.
We are all sinners, but that doesn't mean we should forego/lose honour.
1 Peter 2:13 - Honour authority.
- We can be free thinking, and still be honourable.
1 Timothy 5:16
Matthew 20:20-23 - Pleading for sons to be on the right and left side of Jesus in heaven.
- The seats of honour, are in place besides Christ, and the Father knows who's they are.
- Our relationship with God is, - Personal, Paramount, Vital.
Eph4:15 - From who the church bodies relate to God. Christ is the head. To which the whole body is joined and knitted. Every part doing it's share.
If our relationship is alive, we should go through stages, flowing, and personal.
If it's just you and Jesus, it's very hard to get into trouble.
"Nobility grows the soil of honour".
Luke 14:7 - Humility is the key to honour, and always the foundation to be laid.
1 Peter5:5 - Submit to one another,
pride will bring you down,
Humility will raise you up.
To see God in every aspect in your life is true worship.
Monday Mar 16, 2015
15 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Honour.
Monday Mar 16, 2015
Monday Mar 16, 2015
25 march 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Honour
- When the Kingdom is inside of us, Honour is inevitable.
- We can all act dishonourably. But to not respond takes more strength.
- We give honour, not because they deserve it, but because we are honourable, and are driven to give honour.
- For Christians, honour is a condition of the heart, that comes from God.
- God calls us to honour, and positions us to be where honour is required.
Acts 22:30 - Paul accused by the Jews, and punished by the Romans.
23:1 - Paul recognises the position of his accusers, and gives honour, after forgiveness.
* - The Kingdom of God is an honour system.
Exodus 20:12 - Honour your father/mother, for a prolonged/ good life.
*- Honour is humility in action.
- 3 areas our society is built on.
ex 20:12
Deut 5:4
- Take honour out of the family unit, and chaos will reign.
- Parents aren't perfect, but are required to be honoured.
1 Thes 5:12 - Allow honour to rule our hearts.
Monday Mar 09, 2015
8 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - The power of the tongue
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
8 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper- The power of the tongue
Prov 18:21-
The power of life and death is in the tongue, including in this new digital
age, also what you type.
- There are
- Wars are generally started by words and
- we are constantly armed with our tongue. Be
careful with your words.
Ps 141:3
Lk 6:45 - A
critical heart produces a critical tongue.
- A loving heart produces a
loving tongue.
We need to learn restraint with our tongue.
- Words are life.
Prov 14:4 -
A healing tongue is the tree of life.
Matt 5:9 -
Tongues can make peace.
- We are called to be
peacemakers. And a soft, understanding tongue can change whole situations, and
Eph 1:11
Inheritance - When we heard the word of truth, Your spirit came to life. We
carry the ability to change someone's destiny forever, if we share the gospel.
Even if there is resistance.
Prov 11:30
- Jesus is the good news, and worked out a way to save us from our sins, and
broken laws.
- All we have to do is 1 - Ask Jesus'
forgiveness, and turn away from sins.
2 -
Surrender to Jesus ( he deserves it!). Humble you life to Jesus, Once
surrendered to Jesus, he erases all our wrong doings/ mistakes. God forgives us
forever. And sees us as perfect, because of Jesus.
- Jesus rose from the dead to prove he was
For more
gospel videos go to bay city church.com for videos that you can share with
Monday Mar 09, 2015
8 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - The power of the tongue
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
8 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper- The power of the tongue
Prov 18:21- The power of life and death is in the tongue, including in this new digital age, also what you type.
- There are consequences.
- Wars are generally started by words and misunderstandings.
- we are constantly armed with our tongue. Be careful with your words.
Ps 141:3
Lk 6:45 - A critical heart produces a critical tongue.
- A loving heart produces a loving tongue.
- We need to learn restraint with our tongue.
- Words are life.
Prov 14:4 - A healing tongue is the tree of life.
Matt 5:9 - Tongues can make peace.
- We are called to be peacemakers. And a soft, understanding tongue can change whole situations, and attitudes.
Eph 1:11 Inheritance - When we heard the word of truth, Your spirit came to life. We carry the ability to change someone's destiny forever, if we share the gospel. Even if there is resistance.
Prov 11:30 - Jesus is the good news, and worked out a way to save us from our sins, and broken laws.
- All we have to do is 1 - Ask Jesus' forgiveness, and turn away from sins.
2 - Surrender to Jesus ( he deserves it!). Humble you life to Jesus, Once surrendered to Jesus, he erases all our wrong doings/ mistakes. God forgives us forever. And sees us as perfect, because of Jesus.
- Jesus rose from the dead to prove he was real.
For more gospel videos go to bay city church.com for videos that you can share with friends.
Monday Mar 09, 2015
8 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - The power of the tongue
Monday Mar 09, 2015
Monday Mar 09, 2015
8 March 2015 Ps Andrew Harper- The power of the tongue
Prov 18:21- The power of life and death is in the tongue, including in this new digital age, also what you type.
- There are consequences.
- Wars are generally started by words and misunderstandings.
- we are constantly armed with our tongue. Be careful with your words.
Ps 141:3
Lk 6:45 - A critical heart produces a critical tongue.
- A loving heart produces a loving tongue.
- We need to learn restraint with our tongue.
- Words are life.
Prov 14:4 - A healing tongue is the tree of life.
Matt 5:9 - Tongues can make peace.
- We are called to be peacemakers. And a soft, understanding tongue can change whole situations, and attitudes.
Eph 1:11 Inheritance - When we heard the word of truth, Your spirit came to life. We carry the ability to change someone's destiny forever, if we share the gospel. Even if there is resistance.
Prov 11:30 - Jesus is the good news, and worked out a way to save us from our sins, and broken laws.
- All we have to do is 1 - Ask Jesus' forgiveness, and turn away from sins.
2 - Surrender to Jesus ( he deserves it!). Humble you life to Jesus, Once surrendered to Jesus, he erases all our wrong doings/ mistakes. God forgives us forever. And sees us as perfect, because of Jesus.
- Jesus rose from the dead to prove he was real.
For more gospel videos go to bay city church.com for videos that you can share with friends.