Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
1 February 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Partnership
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
1 February 2015 Ps Andrew Harper- the power of testimony - Partnership pt 1
Rachel L
- The importance of parents planting children in church programs from an early age, for solid foundations.
- Getting connected, and serving
- We are in church only for Jesus, we don't serve for any other reason.
- We are not designed to go through life by ourselves.
- God designed us so we would always have partnerships in our lives.
- People want what you've got, (Jesus).
Ecc 4:9 - 2 are better than one, support when fallen.
- Through partnership life is multiplied, strengthened, increased.
- We can't take this journey of life without partnership, because partnership is connection. (like minded people).
Ecc 4:11 - 2 lives have warmth, and is uplifting.
Ecc 4:12 Strength in partnership= prayer support, Godly wisdom and comfort.
Gen 2:15 - Not good for man to be alone, so God created a partner for Adam.
-Jesus partnered himself with 12 apostles.
- Jesus modelled this for our lives.
- Get connected, and partner up.
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
1 February 2015 Ps Andrew Harper - Partnership
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
1 February 2015 Ps Andrew Harper- the power of testimony - Partnership pt 1
Rachel L
- The importance of parents planting children in church programs from an early age, for solid foundations.
- Getting connected, and serving
- We are in church only for Jesus, we don't serve for any other reason.
- We are not designed to go through life by ourselves.
- God designed us so we would always have partnerships in our lives.
- People want what you've got, (Jesus).
Ecc 4:9 - 2 are better than one, support when fallen.
- Through partnership life is multiplied, strengthened, increased.
- We can't take this journey of life without partnership, because partnership is connection. (like minded people).
Ecc 4:11 - 2 lives have warmth, and is uplifting.
Ecc 4:12 Strength in partnership= prayer support, Godly wisdom and comfort.
Gen 2:15 - Not good for man to be alone, so God created a partner for Adam.
-Jesus partnered himself with 12 apostles.
- Jesus modelled this for our lives.
- Get connected, and partner up.
Monday Feb 23, 2015
15feb 2015 ps andrew harper partnerships cont.
Monday Feb 23, 2015
Monday Feb 23, 2015
15 February 2015- Ps Andrew Harper - Partnership cont.
Ecc 4 - Your life needs Partnership, connected with people.
- Isolation is a form of torture.
- Gods word says we need someone close to us.
Proverbs 18:1 - We are not lonely islands, but are created to be connected to someone.
- Gods about fulfilling our need to be with God.
- Strategies to fill our lives with partnerships.
1 - There are qualities in our lives that either draw others to us, or repel them from us.
2 - If you have an affinity for something but aren't connected, it meens little.
- Lifegroups allow us to be connected to likeminded people, and can bring things out into the open, where the church can get involved in, (prayer).
- Shared equality.
* - In the kingdom of God, there are different roles, but equal authority.
- In a houshold, all should feel equal.
Thess 5:12 -
Shared commitment - we need to love others, by knowing what's important to others.
Ruth 1:6 -
The spirit of Partnership should become stronger, when needs are greater.
- Shared Purpose. - Gods created us for shared Partnerships.
Eph 4 - Clearly outlines Partnerships.
Eph1:11 - Counsel for all things, for Gods purpose.
- The enemies strategy is to scatter, so we have no support.
That's why God needs us to be in partnerships.
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
8 february 2015 Ps Andrew Harper- Anointing service
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
Wednesday Feb 11, 2015
8 February 2015- Anointing Service- Ps Andrew Harper
Let's not waste the gifts God has given to us.
Put God's spirit foremost.
Nothing can satisfy in our lives more than Christ.
Our anointing was done to set us aside for God.
*- Anointing isn't a magic oil, but works by faith. To consecrate someone to be used by God.
2 Kings - King David
- We all have an anointing, if we believe in Christ.
- The word Christ is a title, meaning the anointed one.
Luke 4:18
Jesus' whole life was wrapped up in a purpose.
Our anointing is for us to be set aside, so we can fulfil Gods purpose in our lives.
You can be anointed in any area of your life.
* - Dream Big for this year's purpose for God.
God doesn't make us to waste us! we are to have a Godly purpose.
* - We are anointed as soon as we come to Christ.
James 5:14 - sickness, - call for the church to heal.
Monday Jan 26, 2015
25 january Ps Janine Harris, The Rope Holders
Monday Jan 26, 2015
Monday Jan 26, 2015
25 January 2015 Ps Janine Harris - The rope holders
Acts 9:23-25 - The plot against Saul/Paul.
- In Damascus, Paul was rescued by the disciples and lowered by "the rope holders", for Paul to escape.
- Recognition of " The rope holders".
- You never know the importance of who is in the basket, but the rope holders have such an important job.
- Paul went on to write 1/3 of the New Testament, and still affects us today.
- God is putting people into our basket, We may not know why or who, or what they will become.
- The rope holders may have been seen as a menial task, work that requires no skill or training. But still important. It may not be glamorous.
- When Jesus fed the 5 000, they brought forward a menial offering of fish and loaves, for Jesus to bless and multiply to be able to feed all the people, up to 20 000, because when they counted they only counted the men, not the women and children. So the true count was more like 20 000 people.
- The smallest things can affect so many.
- Holding the rope has a cost. The cost is worth the effort.
- A religion that saves nothing/does nothing, is worth nothing!
Monday Jan 26, 2015
18 january 2015 Ps Gareth Hayes, Contribute!
Monday Jan 26, 2015
Monday Jan 26, 2015
Ps Gareth Hayes, Contribute.
Luke 1:- Luke was the only gentile to chronicle Jesus' journey.
- Disputed as to when he wrote the gospel.
- Written to Theopoulos, ( a Roman official).
- Luke also wrote Acts, as a sequel.
Acts1:1 -Acts is more a record of the church, (worldwide).
- where the gospel is covering the life of Christ. To ensure that Christians understand Jesus' truth for us.
acts1:1Do and teach.
- Theres no real conclusion to acts, because it continues in us. Jesus' teaching is still going on in us.
Acts 2 - The church started at pentecost.
- Jesus came to Earth 100% man/100%God.
- The church and it's people are to complete Gods purpose on Earth.
- Stephen witnesses to and saves 3 000 people but gets stoned to death.
- Saul becomes a believer in Christ.
- In looking at the diversity of the 12 apostles, it shows that Jesus could, and did use anyone.
- Jesus still hasn't finished his work on Earth.
- Even with all the evil coming against God. God still wins!
- The gates of hades will never be closed against gods people. But with God we can overcome all things.
- Gods church is not the buildings, but is actually all the people.
- Jesus is the cornerstone, the cornerstone is the foundation.
- the body of Christ,(us), we are his voice.
- If we don't spread his word, we can restrict him. There are no spectators in the kingdom, so get involved, (volunteer), to do something/ anything, but contribute.
- Everyone has something to offer.
- You can't steer a boat that's not moving.
- Get the ball rolling. Do something/ anything.
- You don't need to be able to do everything, just find the thing you can do, to contribute.
- You can't just "take" all the time, you must also contribute. Otherwise everyone ends up taking.
Monday Jan 12, 2015
11 January 2015 Ps Andrew Harper Discipline.
Monday Jan 12, 2015
Monday Jan 12, 2015
11 January 2015 Ps Andrew Harper, A better year
The life of the righteous spirals upwards.
Discipline. -
Discipline is the bridge between thought and accomplishment, (dreams and reality).
God chooses to use us as his seed bed, to accomplish his plans and wishes.
Disciple - A disciplined follower of Christ, and the lifestyle that's involved.
If we want something different in our lives, then we need to change something.
Hebrew 12:3-17 " Do not grow weary"
1 Cor 9:24-27 "Striving for a crown"
Discipline is central for us to move forward to Christ.
god can help you with avoiding temptations.
The grace of God doesn't save you from the consequences of your sin!
If you want to resist sin, it will take commitment.
v 5 - Discipline is an act of love.
The Lord disciplines the ones he loves.
You can discipline yourself, with restraint, and self control.
Do it because God loves you.
Self control is a fruit of God's love.
v 7 - When you know your owned by God, you take on the responsibility of self restraint/discipline.
- If we want to do something different in our life, it's often painful/ difficult, so just step into it with God.
v 12 - Lift up your drooping hands and strengthen your weak knees.
* Get motivated for the changes you want. It wont happen if your half hearted. So Commit!
v 14 - Peace with everyone, (like Christ).
Plus sexual restraint.
You can give away God's blessings by having a lack of self control! (Esau).
Monday Jan 12, 2015
4 January 2015 Chris Thompson. A puickly changing world
Monday Jan 12, 2015
Monday Jan 12, 2015
4/1/15 Chris Thompson, A changing world.
Jn 8 - A Changing world (Focus).
Christians are now needing to answer questions.
We need to be positioned to answer burning questions on world events.
Focus and observe events of the world to be knowledgeable with our Christian beliefs.
- If we don't influence others, then they will influence us.
We are called to be a part of the world, to influence the world, (evangelistic opportunities).
Grace and Truth -(Jesus) is a complete system. - " The law of God"
Grace and Truth.
Grace - means approval, acceptance, respect, and good will, (all that Jesus is). Without this knowledge we can serve God incorrectly. this is how God sees us.
Truth - means verity, fact, Principle Law. Truth is the balance to the equation. It doesn't matter how bad or good we think we are, we can't change Gods opinion of us. Because Jesus has done all that's required for us to be right with God.
Jn 8:2 - They were trying to trap both the woman and Jesus.
So Grace and Truth go together for a balanced argument.
With a floored argument, because in the law, both the man and the woman should have been brought before the Judges. However, only the woman was brought forward to answer, meaning that she had already been judged guilty. So Jesus levelled the playing field, by stating," He who is without sin should cast the first stone".
Not only did Grace come from Jesus, but so did the Truth.
Grace doesn't deny the sin in our life, but rather shows the Truth of it! And equals protection.
Because we are after Jesus' sacrifice, even if we still sin, Jesus has justified us, making us still right with God's grace.
A counterfeit level of forgiveness had been given to the man, whatever happened for him not to be condemned with the woman.
With our sins, we need not carry condemnation with us over our sin, because God still forgives us by grace. However we should sin no more.
If we still choose to sin, there are still consequences.
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Ps Janene Harris - Don't get tired of doing good
Monday Dec 15, 2014
Monday Dec 15, 2014
* Don't get tired of doing good.
- Be a good ambassador for God.
2 chronicles:20
- Under attack? - Seek the Lord!
- The battle does not need to be ours, but can be the Lords.
- Give it over to the Lord, and see the Lords glory as he overcomes.
:17 - 1. Position yourself
- 2. Stand still.
- 3. Witness Gods glory/ salvation.
- Help can come from many unexpected sources.
Psalm121: Lift up your eyes.
- Remember what's in your heart.
- My help comes in the name of the Lord.
2 Chronicles:21 -Worship and Praise is what moves the Lord.
:23 Enemies destroyed.
:24 not one enemy escaped
- Whatever the circumstances you're going through, position yourself, and witness God's glory/salvation.
- Give your situations over to God! Leave it with him, and wait/surrender.
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Ps Gareth Hayes Living Water
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
Sunday Dec 07, 2014
7/December 2014 Ps Gareth Hayes, Living Water
John 4: - Jesus and the Samaritan woman at the well- Living Water
- Jesus' first confession in the gospel, as to who he is.
- Love covers a multitude of sins.
- Don't be judgemental, ( it not our place).
- Rather than judging others, just love them, as Jesus did.
John 7 - He who believes in me shall never thirst again.