Tuesday Mar 18, 2014
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Wednesday Feb 26, 2014
Sunday Feb 02, 2014
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
Ps Andrew wraps up the series on "Gods Favour"
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
Tuesday Jun 26, 2012
:-Grace affects our outlook towards God,and our world.
:-We need to believe right,because it affects what we do.
:-We're convinced the favour of God can be stopped because of our sinning.
:-When we're in a place of temptation. The best thing we can do is confess our righteousness in Christ. Because who is in me is greater than anything before us.
:-When faced with temptation, we need a friend to be with us, not an enemy. Because the friend will get us through whatever we're facing..
:-If we're sinning, we should be drawn to God, rather than repelled by God.
:-9 times out of 10, peoples conciousness of their sins is what's holding them back from God.
:-It's hard to focus on Gods favour, when we expect Gods judgement.
:-We don't need to confess endlessly when we've already got Gods favour.
:-Some of us think that going before God is like being sent to the principles office.
Saturday Jun 16, 2012
ps andrew harper the favor of God cont. Resurrection Sunday
Saturday Jun 16, 2012
Saturday Jun 16, 2012
:-What is favour? - favour is Divine influence :-Favour =benefits. :-Favour comes from Grace. :-grace = Unmerited favour. :-We are always positioned right before god. :-god looks for and sees the righteousness of Jesus Christ in us, regardless of our sinning. :-we are not righteous because of what we have done. But because of what Christ has done for us. :-god looks at us and sees perfection, because all he sees is Christ in us. :-We can't lose grace by what we do, because Christ gives us grace throgh what he's done. :-Our performance before god does not merit favour from God, but comes through Christ. :-God doesn't pick and choose who he favors. All who believe receives favor. :-We can have the favor of God and still still have difficulties in our lives, because sometimes god may be putting us in a position to his work :-There are so many benefits to being in the favor of God, that we should be careful not to take them for granted. :-If our believing is correct, it will affect ahat we do. :-The biggest stumbling block for some Christians is that they don't believe they are favored by God. :-Others keep asking asking for favor, even though they already have it.
Saturday Jun 02, 2012
Visiting rappers Sevin and Reign.
Saturday Jun 02, 2012
Saturday Jun 02, 2012
We Start wirh an inspiring message from Reign. standing for: Reaching Everyone In Gods Name Reigns an American police officer who's seen the best and worst in people. Who uses God to give those people light in their lives. then into the Amazing testimony and encouragement of Sevin from Sacremento, California. :-Pursuing the love of God. There are times when we ask God to stop something happenning: Where god may answer "no", because he wants us to change our reaction to the situation. To move forward in Faith. :-Accepting the Love that god gives freely, by being grateful. :- In the bible God tells us to fear only one thing: Him! :-The only reason to say no to God is out of fear.
Saturday May 19, 2012
Our greatest value/gift
Saturday May 19, 2012
Saturday May 19, 2012
What will hold you. Our greatest gift is to hear gods voice. Gods word is everlasting God will use an audible voice, although these days it needs to be "tested against his word" God can use an angelic encounter (messenger of the Lord) All Messengers are not necesarilly from God, and need to be tested against his word. Gods character shapes our understanding. God speaks to us through our feelings and emotions. But the enemy can manipulate these also, so weigh them against the word. Sin is not just an action, but is rather a power. While we are doing good, there is an evil there pulling also. We are born with inherited in us,(through Adam). This is what the enemy can work with. When Jesus came to the Earth he was pure and without sin. So the Devil had nothing to work with, within him. Sin is an ongoing fight,not just an action. There is so much noise around us, thatr we need to choose to listen to God. It is possible to ignore God. So keep into his word, and stay refreshed.
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
Saturday Apr 28, 2012
Acts 28 :-Through the worst storm, an angel comes before Paul and tells him to ensure the others that "everything is going to be alright". Then though the shipwreck they end up on the island of Malta. :-After Paul was bitten by a poisonous snake without suffering any effects. This inspired other sick people on the island to come and be healed. :-God will always highlight his own man. :-god wants his church to be the solution to rto situations. :-We don't get to come back and have a second shot at getting things right. So we must do it "right" now. Don't play it safe! :-When God interupts our plans- he is asking us "what are you going to do?" :-God will put people in our path that are there to help. :-God will arrange whatever is needed to get the job done. Psalm 46:6- Malta has taken this on as their credo.
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
Saturday Apr 21, 2012
:- Luke 23:26 "Father Forgive them for they know not what they do" :-Amongst Jesus' last words were "Forgiveness". :-Every human life needs "Forgiveness" :-You can't live the life God wants for you without "forgiveness" :- Christs' death on the cross was the ultimate act of "forgiveness" :-The church is here for "forgiveness" :-Some of the greatest friendships/relationships have been destroyed due to unforgiveness. :-The symbol of forgiveness is "Christ on the cross" :-If no-one else will forgive you. Remember Christ does, and has! :-There is no love without "forgiveness. And there is no "forgiveness without love. :-Forgiveness gives hope again. :-Christ put himself on the cross for our forgiveness. :-God looks on us through eyes of forgiveness, not condemnation. :-This is a huge part of understanding god. A lot of people don't feel they can be forgiven, because they are living in condemnation of themselves. But God has already forgiven. :-We have to trust God above our emotions. :-We have to start by forgiving ourselves. :- God has instructed that before he would accept any offerings. You must resolve any outstanding offenses.He put forgiveness obove offerings. :-If you get involved in anything worthwhile, you open up opportunities to be offended. :-Unforgiveness affects us more than forgiveness. :-Unforgiveness will eat you from the inside out, and bring torment into your life. :-You're free when you can look back on past grievances, and there is no more pain or anger. :-To be free is to set a prisoner free, only to realize that the prisoner is YOU.